In the view of recent expression of dissatisfaction by Geithner's actions...
Elizabeth Warren on the Economy, on PBS NOW Nov.12th. 09
Stocks are up, but so is unemployment. What's wrong with this economic picture and what's being done about it?
What exactly is going on with the economy? Stocks are up and big bonuses are back, but while they're throwing parties on Wall Street, there's pain on Main Street. One out of every six workers is unemployed or underemployed, according to government statistics - the highest figure since the Great Depression.
This week NOW gets answers and insight from Harvard professor Elizabeth Warren, who's been heading up the congressional panel overseeing how the bailout money is being spent. NOW Senior Correspondent Maria Hinojosa talks with Warren about how we got to this point, and where we go from here.
What will it take to put both bankers and American businesses on the same road to recovery?
Warren vs Geithner: It's called ACCOUNTABILITY!
April 21, 2009 Geithner vs. Elizabeth Warren (TARP COP)
Erik Wemple answered your questions on the media
2 hours ago
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